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Personal Projects

Here are some of the projects that I have worked on during my free time.

First ever project!

Cube Runner 

The first every project that I made was Cube Runner. This was from a YouTuber called Brackeys. He and his unity videos are what first got me into Unity around 6 years ago now. over the years I have constantly refired back to Brackeyes and his amazing informative content to assist me with my projects. This game is a simple 3D level based arcade game where the goal is for the player to guid themselves through the level dodging the objects. As I said earlier this was the first ever unity project I made and I still remember going around school and getting all the students to play my game!

Basic UI and programming

Within this project I wanted to further develop my UI and programming skills. To do this I made two simple games that the player verses the computer and uses buttons on screen to play. The player can play a coin flip where the goal is to reach $1000 and every flip costs $100. The player can also play Rock Paper Scissors where the player and AI have 3 lives each. The final program in a random name generator where the player can pull random first and or last names.

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